Blue Lotus Bloom with Beginner Trick Booklet

The perfect starter Kendama. This Kendama makes it easy to progress into advanced tricks. This Kendama is the biggest starter Kendama in the market, but still is regulation size and competition approved. This Kendama is also is cleared with Sticky Paint, so intermediate tricks will be much easier to land. The Booklet ranks 60 tricks, in order, from easiest to hardest. It's a perfect way for players to progress and level up their Kendama tricks.

Hybrid Smartwatch

Combining digital functions with classic analog design, this versatile watch keeps you up to date with its ability to track activity and notifications while keeping a timeless look.

Smart Watch Bands

Easily switch up your style with interchangeable bands, and customize your smart watch to fit your needs.

kids smiling while playing kendama

The Sacred Kendama

The most famous Lotus Kendama. For the intermediate players looking to step it up, the Sacred Kendama is perfect for you. The Ken is made out of maple wood, which adds durability and quatlity of play. The illuminated tracking stripe will catch your eyes to land a spike. The Sticky Paint clear will help with lunars and lighthouses.